
How Five9 Has Allowed Us to Serve Our Clients Better

Posted by Jessica Sanders | Jun 19, 2019 7:18:24 AM

Today we are going to talk about why we prefer using Five9 as a professional dialer over Mojo and other products. Mojo is great and a lot of our clients use it, as do many people who are successful in real estate, but we use Five9 instead. Here are a few reasons why.

Five9 ensures that we are fully compliant for our clients. It is illegal to call cell phones through a three-line dialer, like Mojo, which can be a problem when a lot of our leads are cell phone numbers. Five9 allows us to switch to a single-line setting so that we are compliant when calling cell phone numbers.

“Five9 helps us track our callers better and get better results for our clients.”

Additionally, Five9 has a lot more tracking features. When managing hundreds of callers on a monthly basis, we want to have data that shows that our callers are getting our clients the results that they deserve. We can track how much they are on a call, how long they are taking notes between calls, and more. This helps us get the most out of our callers, which will allow us to get the best results for you.

There are a ton of great calling softwares out there, but we are sticking with Five9. It has allowed us to see much better results for our clients and has helped us monitor and manage our callers much better.

If you are interested in scaling up your outbound calling, we would love to hear from you. If you have any questions for us in the meantime, please feel free to give us a call or send us an email today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Written by Jessica Sanders

Jessica is the founder and CEO of 1000 Calls A Day. For almost a decade Jess has dedicated herself to her daughter and creating a fun, challenging work environment for others that wish to spend more time with their families through working at home.