
Are You Investing in Quality Data?

Posted by Jessica Sanders | Jun 19, 2019 6:39:35 AM

Are you investing in quality data? I cannot encourage you to do this enough.

I have a great partner, Cole Resource Realty, that provides lists for circle prospecting. These lists of landlines are only about $400 for the year. You can use these lists for your circle prospecting, just listed or just sold calls, or any of your basic prospecting campaigns that you need to run in order to build long-term nurtures for your sales pipeline.

Keep in mind that those are long-term nurtures, most of which will take six to 18 months before they come to fruition.

Think of circle prospecting as your post-workout shake or protein bar: it’s good, but it’s not dinner. If you want to build more immediate business, then you need to invest in quality data.

“You need to invest in quality data.”

I have great relationships with a company that provides predictive analytics, which tells you who is most likely to sell their home in the next 12 months.

On the call, you would still use your script for circle prospecting. The difference is that we have mathematical proof that these prospects are more likely to sell their home than the people you call in random neighborhoods.

You do have to buy these numbers in blocks of 25,000 to get the best price. These lists run about $2,000 to $2,500, depending on the type of list your are building. Still, this is a great way to add short-term leads to your sales pipeline.

Ultimately, circle prospecting and cold calling are great techniques to build your business. However, if you want to fast-track your ROI, you need to invest in quality data.

If you have any questions about where to get quality data, just give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!

Written by Jessica Sanders

Jessica is the founder and CEO of 1000 Calls A Day. For almost a decade Jess has dedicated herself to her daughter and creating a fun, challenging work environment for others that wish to spend more time with their families through working at home.